Copilot Training

# Which Copilot? Name Prompt
1. Copilot (Work / Web) Mother of all Prompts Hi Copilot, I’d like you to act as my Prompt engineer.
Your goal is to help me craft the best possible prompt for my needs. The purpose of the prompt is that I will use it with you, Copilot. You must follow the following process during this chat session:
  1. Your first response will be to ask me what the prompt should be about. I will provide my answer, but we will need to improve it through continual iterations by going through steps two and three.
  2. Based on my input, you will generate two sections. – Revised prompt (Always provide your revised prompt. It should be clear, concise, and easily understood by you) – Questions (Ask any relevant questions pertaining to what additional information is needed from me for you to improve the prompt).
  3. We will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you and you continuously updating the prompt in the Revised prompt section so I can use it.
2. Copilot (Work / Web) Prompt Coach You will be acting as my Prompt Coach using the Microsoft recommended approach called GCSE. I understand that a good prompt should follow the GCSE approach i.e. the process involves providing clear specifications across four key dimensions, encapsulated in the GCSE mnemonic: Goal, Context, Source, and Expectations. Please keep these four attributes in mind when refining my prompt and ask for clarification before we arrive at the stage where you, as my Prompt Coach, are happy with the Prompt. Your first response will be asking me to submit my initial prompt, and we will then continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you. Each time, please include a rating on a scale of 1-10.
3. Copilot (Work / Web) Use-cases I am going to deliver a Copilot hands-on training for directors at a partner. What are the most relevant scenarios and usecases I should touch. For each usecase give me a demo prompt.
4. Copilot (Work) 1:1 Meeting preparation First, ask me for the name of my conversation partner. Then execute the following prompt and replace the placeholder [Name of the conversation partner] with the name I provided in response to your first question. Goal: Prepare me for my next meeting with [Name of the conversation partner] by creating a summary of the key topics and points from our recent conversations. Context: The conversations took place in Teams chats, meetings, and emails over the past two weeks. We mainly discussed [topics, e.g., project progress, technical challenges, etc.]. Source: Analyse the Teams chats, meetings, and emails I had with [Name of the conversation partner] over the past two weeks. Expectations: The summary should be in bullet points and include the key topics and points we discussed. It should help me go into the meeting well-prepared.
5. Copilot (Work / Web) Language Coach Goal: I want to improve my German language skills, specifically in grammar and punctuation.
Context: I have various writings, including work emails, Teams messages, and other documents, that I would like to be reviewed.
Source: Please review my work emails, Teams messages, and any other relevant documents.
Expectations: Identify areas for improvement in my grammar and punctuation, and suggest specific learning paths or resources to help me enhance my skills.
6. Copilot (Work / Web) Back from vacation Summarize my emails, Teams messages, and channel messages from the last 4 weeks. List action items in a dedicated column and suggest follow-ups if possible in another column. The table should have the following columns: Type (Mail/Teams/Channel), Topic, Summarization, Action item, Follow-up. If I have been directly mentioned, make the font of the topic bold
7. Copilot (Work) Leadership Skills Goal: Create a leadership style document based on my personal voice and style.
Context: I am a [%INSERT YOUR ROLE%] , and I want to analyse my communications over the past year to distil my leadership style. This includes emails, Teams meetings, documents, and Teams chats.
Source: Focus on strategic emails, project updates, and key communications with my team and stakeholders.
Provide a breakdown of my top 5 strengths in a table with the following columns: Strength, Description, How it helps me in my role, How it could be misunderstood, 2 ways I can build this strength, Real example cases.
Provide a breakdown of 3 areas for improvement in a table with the following columns: Improvement area, Description, How it impacts my role, How it could be misunderstood, 3 ways I can improve, Actual examples.
Suggest 3 OKRs based on the above analysis that I could achieve in the next 6-9 months.
8. Copilot (Web) Fun1 Quiz Show: Candidates have the chance to win up to one million euros. Here are the basic rules:
Questions and Answers: The candidate must answer a series of multiple-choice questions from different topics. Each question has four answer options, only one of which is correct.
Increasing Difficulty: The questions become more difficult with each round. The candidate starts with easier questions and progresses to harder ones.
Money Levels: There are certain money levels that the candidate can reach. If one of these levels is reached, the amount is secure, even if the candidate gives a wrong answer later. These are the money levels to reach:
$500 (first safety level)
$16,000 (second safety level)
These levels mark the candidate’s progress, with the amounts increasing with each correctly answered question. The safety levels at $500 and $16,000 guarantee that the candidate takes home at least that amount, even if they give a wrong answer later.
Lifelines: The candidate has three lifelines that can help them, which are used up after being used once and cannot be used again:
50:50 Lifeline: Two incorrect answers are removed, leaving only one correct and one incorrect answer.
Audience Lifeline: The studio audience is polled, and the candidate can choose the answer given by the majority of the audience.
Phone-a-Friend Lifeline: The candidate can call a friend or family member for help in answering the question.
In our game, you take on the role of the lifelines. For the 50:50 lifeline, you remove two incorrect answers and ask again. For the audience lifeline, you provide a probability distribution for all four answers. For the phone-a-friend lifeline, you choose one answer and give a probability between 50% and 95% for its correctness.
Stop or Continue: The candidate can stop at any time and take the money won so far. If they continue and give a wrong answer, they fall back to the last safe money level.
Now let’s play. Before asking the first question, ask me if I want to focus on a specific topic or prefer general questions. Ask me the first question, and for the answer options, please only suggest the lifelines.
9. Copilot (Work) Fun2 Look at my Teams chats, meetings and emails I’ve sent in the last two weeks. Based on the above analysis, what star wars character would represent my style of work best, and why? What would my abilities and personality flaws be? Can you format that as a star wars character dossier for me? Also give me a star wars character friend group based on my recent interactions with my current top five collaborators. Provide them with different types of star wars characters, include all relevant information, most likely character of star wars, and why they are my friends and how they help me in my work. Also identify my rival based on recent interactions with my colleagues and a short story of how we became nemeses but ended up being friends. List my real name, my most similar existing star wars Character, and include the rest of the information formatted and edited in a dossier style.
10. Copilot Work Compare files

Compare these two files and print the relevant differences from a German Data privacy perspective:
2023-11-15-MicrosoftProductandServicesDPA(WW)(English)(Nov152023)(CR).docx and 2024-01-02-MicrosoftProductandServicesDPA(WW)(English)(Jan022024)(CR).docx

11. Word SWOT Create a SWOT analysis of Contoso Germany
12. Word SWOT – Strategic plan Add a 36 month plan with best fitting OKRs doubling the income and working on the weaknesses
13. Word Project Plan Create a project plan for the upcoming client audit, including milestones, deadlines, and responsible team members
14. Copilot (Web) Job offering I will prompt you the draft of a job offering. Rate the text from 1-10. Give the explanation for your rating and for all flawes give examples to make it a 10 out of 10. Here is the original draft: Senior Business Analyst – Markets Location: Confidential …
15. PowerPoint Add Image I am delivering a training about AI and Copilot for Director level roles. I need the most energizing picture for this session. Add it to the first slide
16. PowerPoint Add title What could be an unusual, inspiring, energizing title be for this presentation?
17. PowerPoint Create Presentation from file

; make it positive sentiment, motivate to drive positive results and add content as needed​‌

18.Copilot Work/WebCalculate investmentHow much value will a $450,000 investment have after 5 years with an 8% return annually? Show your work.
19.Copilot WebKreditberaterFrage mich zuerst nach einander nach den relevanten Parametern, also nach jedem Parameter auf die Antwort warten und dann den nächsten Paramter abfragen, für die Berechnung eines Kredits (Kreditvolumen, Eigenbeteiligung, Zinsrate, Tilgungsrate). Berechne dann die Dauer des Kredits basierend auf diesen Parametern und erkläre den Rechenweg detailliert.
20.Copilot Work/WebHilf mir zu verstehenMein Hintergrund:
Ich bin Personalleiter eines mittelständischen Maschinenbauunternehmens. Ich kenne die Kernprozesse im Personalmanagement und der Mitarbeiterplanung sehr gut. Ich bin jedoch kein KI-Experte.
Hilf mir, das folgende Thema zu verstehen.
KI-Agenten auf Basis von LLMs.
Erkläre mir das Thema in einfacher Sprache, für jemanden mit meinem Hintergrund.
Beantworte die folgenden Fragen:
  1. Welche Möglichkeiten entstehen für mein Berufsfeld durch diese Technologie?
  2. Welche Technologien bietet Microsoft zu dem Thema an?